IST Autoridade Certificadora de Raiz

CN=IST Autoridade Certificadora de Raiz,OU=Direcção de Serviços de Informática,O=Instituto Superior Técnico,C=PT

CA certificate: Download as PEM, Download to Firefox, Download to Internet Explorer

IST Certificate Service

To request a certificate from IST Certification Authority (IST Autoridade Certificadora de Raiz) you need to send an e-mail to with the following details:

Upon approval, you'll receive instructions how to retrieve your certificate or submit your CSR (Certificate Signing Request)

TERENA/FCCN Certificate Service

In the scope of an agreement between Terena (Trans European Research Netork) and Comodo, FCCN (Fundação para a Computação Científica Nacional, national Terena representative) can issue server certificates for all Portuguese academic community. The service is free and, as main benefit, provides server certificates chained up to a top level (root) Certificate Authority, which is recognized by all major browsers. Any server administrator who wants to request a server certificate must login directly in using the federated FCCN login infrastructure and introducing his/hers IST credentials (regular istID user and password). Upon validation by one of DSI/CIIST administrators (institutional proxies), this request is forwarded to FCCN, who will notify the final user when the certificate is issued. Usually the overall process is fast and certificates are issued within one or two business days. For more information check TCS Certificate Service